and do some laundry....(my bed is under there somewhere)
I think it's quite possible that Jimmy Hoffa is buried in my closet.
I love this little closet door pocket organizer. Unfortunately, lately I haven't been using it much...
This corner was where my desk was. I'm selling it on craigslist and bought a new one (better suited for my laptop), but I want to finish cleaning before I move it in. That actually isn't mess down there - it's the pile of things I'm keeping out of the 8 giant garbage bags I've already filled.
I can't wait til I get my bookcase organized again. That has made me crazier than anything else.
After pictures to come later in the week!!

Looks familiar. Like your room did at home only neater.
Yea, well, you should have seen it this morning. It was A LOT worse.
Ooh, I can't WAIT to see the finished results! So excited! You're linked!
5 loads of laundry later, I've barely made a dent! But my closet is organized and my dresser is clean. After work this week I'll keep going with laundry, and get my bookcase done, and then set up my new desk! I am SO excited to finally be done with this!
Oh holy moly. I absolutely could not function in that disaster. i couldn't study, I couldn't focus. I am stressed out just looking at the pics! My sister however, would feel right at home there. Crazy, crazy. I can't wait to see the after! Hurry!
verification word: tessionj, as in tension!
Thanks for sharing this! I was just berating myself for letting my house get cluttered, etc. and reading your blog made me realize I am not alone. And you know what? It also made me realize sometimes there are things more important than cleaning. Like studying, sleeping, or in my case, caring for the three kids and one husband who are primarily responsible for the mess. Not that I am pointing fingers or anything.
Thanks for the comments :-)
Slowly but surely, it's coming together. My 'after' picture won't likely come until the weekend - being back at work and having school start back this week, and appointments up the wazoo doesn't leave me a lot of time to get things done! I might give you a midpoint on Friday for Spin Cycle - You should see my closet now. It's so clean, you could sleep in it!
I would have loved to come and help you clean that!!! I love organizing. But more so when it is other people's stuff.
I only have one secret for cleaning. I pretend that I am a person with it all together. So when I invite people over I have to clean first! So I have company once a week and my house is cleaner. It has been a lot of work, but sometimes I miss the mess... strange I guess.
You might be a little crazy, darlin :-) I did good though! I just have to finish putting some stuff away, vacuum, and put my new sheets on my bed, and I'll take pictures and post tomorrow!!
After pictures are up :-)
Lmao, I found your blog while looking for inspiration to help me get this place tidy, once and for all. Your pics look pretty similar to this place *blush*
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