Another new year, another list of promises for me to break by January 2.
Another year of setting myself up for disappointment.
Another year of guaranteeing failure.
Wait. What?
I hate New Year's resolutions. I always used to make them, quickly following that with breaking them (record? Three resolutions broken by 12:04am.)
This year, I am bucking that tradition. I am not making any resolutions. Instead, I will share with you my goals for the foreseeable future. This list would be the same even if it was some arbitrary date on the calendar, rather than a new year, fresh start, etc.
1 - Keep my focus. Fall semester I had a lot on my plate, personally, and I lost focus both at school and at work. I don't think my performance suffered that much, but I prefer to give 100% and I found it difficult the last few months. So I would like to learn how to tune out everything else and just power through the task at hand.
2 - Stay organized. Starting that one today with cleaning. I bought a new desk for my room that will be better suited for my laptop than the one I currently have (which means soon I will no longer be hunched over my coffee table trying to type) and I want to get that set up before school starts next week. I think I will feel a lot more sane if I can declutter and make my room somewhere I want to be.
3 - Kick ass at school. I've got two years to go and I want to graduate with honors. I know I can rock a 4.0 if I try hard enough, but I am setting a goal of graduating with a 3.6 or higher so I don't kick my own ass if I have a hard time in a class or two.
4 - Stop making so many bad choices. Helped along by the fact that I'm not drinking.
5 - Get myself back into gear. I have been slacking for far too long. I'm lethargic and lazy and I need to remember how good it feels to move. I'm not setting a goal of losing x amount of weight or going to the gym x times a week, but I need to do something to get out of a chair. It's hard with 40 hours at work and 13 credit hours of school, plus homework, but I need to start giving myself breaks and just getting up and stretching or going for a walk or something. That'll help with my RA as well, which is equally important.
6 - Don't settle for anything less than what I want. I've done that a few too many times recently, and it never ended well. Whether it's relationships, career, school, whatever, I need to remember what I want, and not try to convince myself that something else will be a good backup choice. I'm better than that.
7 - Keep my head up. I had a rough few months, but I'm working through it and I'm starting to feel like myself again. No matter what happens in the next few weeks/months/years, I just have to remember that I am a fantastic person, and I have fantastic people in my life, and no matter what the world throws at me, I have the strength to get through it. And if I somehow can't find the strength within myself, I have twenty people right next to me, ready to pick me up if I find myself at the lowest of lows again.
I think that's about it, at least for now. I'm sure I'll add to this in the next few weeks once I think of other ways I'd like to improve myself.
Visit Sprite's Keeper and Nanny Goats for more resolutions!

Go for it, girl!
I like your resolutions! And I hope you make every single one of them happen. I know you can! You're linked and Happy New Year, Andrea!
I like that you are making non date-specific goals. Dates (like January 1) are man made anyway, so who cares, right? I hope you have a wonderful 2010 (another man made entity, by the way) and thanks for linking up with NGIP!
- Margaret
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