1. Andrea [De firmitate manus], 2. Delicious, 3. Loose Ball, 4. 133: SOTTS will make you jump!, 5. jdmpeopledesk1058, 6. 1650 Captain Morgan 30 El Dorados, 7. Bowfiddle Dawn, 8. mmmummm..mummm...mmmmummmmumumum, 9. I get a little closer every day, 10. 18 Grave of Octavia Dockery (1865 - April 22, 1949) "Mistress of Goat Castle" - Eccentric recluse and suspect in a brutal murder that made international headlines., 11. Luna House, 12. Anticipation
1. What is your first name? - Andrea
2. What is your favorite food? - Anything delicious
3. What high school did you attend? - livonia stevenson
4. What is your favorite color? - g reen and blue
5. Who is your celebrity crush? - jeffrey dean morgan
6. Favorite drink? - captain morgan
7. Dream vacation? - scotland and ireland
8. Favorite dessert? - ice cream
9. What do you want to be when you grow up? - growing up is overrated
10.What do you love most in life? - friends, family, and simple pleasures
11. One word to describe you. - eccentric
12. Your Flickr name (if you don't have one, be creative. - gatheringdust
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