♥ I can find a Grey's quote for just about any situation. Probably because I am over-dramatic and talk too much, just like the characters on that show.
♥ Can I just say, my new birth control is totally fucking with me? I am so ridiculously moody now I'm just waiting for someone to slap me and yell at me to get ahold of myself. Someone asked me how I was today, and I about started crying into my coffee mug. WTF?! I do not like this.
♥ I am taking a few days off before school starts again, and they cannot get here fast enough. I haven't really taken any time off, other than being sick, since last May. I need a real vacation sometime soon - planning on one for spring break next year, with my best friend. That's too far away.
♥ Funny how a year changes everything.....
♥ Completely unrelated, but my old classmate at Birdie Royale is entering the Mad Men Casting Call and you should totally vote for her. She is absolutely stunning and a wonderful person. Plus it's super easy - just click that link, and click 'Vote' - You don't need to register or anything.
♥ Seriously. Eff this birth control. I just started tearing up over a sort-of compliment. This is ridiculous. I mean, I know I'm a sap, but I'm out of control right now.
♥ If it could be Friday when I wake up tomorrow, that would be fantastic.
♥ I'm working on a new story idea and I like it so far. It's all in my head though, I haven't started writing. Which means I'll get through 20 pages and then burn out.
♥ I hit my head in the pool on Saturday. Then Sunday I hit it on the freezer door. And a couple hours ago? Definitely banged the crap out of it on my car. I fail.
♥ 635 days until I graduate. Not that I'm counting.
♥ Oh, and yea....you can like me, too. All the cool kids are doing it!
As always, go check out Keely for more Random Tuesday Thoughts!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
The bc pills could be messing with your inner ear, too, making you clumsy. Well, clumsier than you already would be through heredity.
Enjoy your days off! I wish I had a vacation coming up too! And good luck with your school year!
I must be cool! I ran over to Like you right away!
birth controll pills have a way of messing with individuals like nothing else hope this gets better for you
Yea, I think it's always just my natural clumsiness, UM :-)
Thanks K! I am super excited for school to start so I can be crazy busy again :-)
SK - You are super cool. And I heart you :-)
Shop - Thanks. I think once I get through the first couple months I should get normal again :-)
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