I'm okay, just shook up. My legs wouldn't work when I had to get out of the car. They were shaking so bad I thought I was going to pass out.

This puts a serious damper on my vacation to see the family next week....although if I win the lottery tonight, I will be buying a new car, and plane tickets. Actually, maybe I'll hire a chauffeur. That might be better.

I'll have better pictures tomorrow. In the daylight.
:-( I hate today.
go see your chiropractor, honey bun.
i don't have one of those.
i hate accidents, they're scary! hope your ok, you can replace a car.
yea, i'm ok. and car should hopefully not be too bad. i meet with the claims guy tomorrow so we'll see. :-(
So we are totally bummed on this end. We want to see you so bad. Just glad you weren't hurt.
I'm really, really glad you're alright. More than anything.
I love you, sisser.
T - Yea, me too :-(
S - Thanks. Love you too.
I am glad you are ok. That stinks about the car though. Oh well, cars are easily replaced, people can never be replaced. Maybe the insurance claims people will be generous. I know that when someone ran my sister off the road a few months ago, they were pretty generous in what they offered to pay for her old clunker, and your car doesn't look old so hopefully things will work out!
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