Dear friends:
This is Andrea's computer speaking. I have to tell you, I'm worried about her. She has been ignoring me so much these last couple of weeks. She gets home from work, late, as usual, and barely says two words to me. She ignores the lovely blog posts and twitter updates I have helped supply her with, and only seems interested in checking her email, updating her facebook status, and then going to bed. I know she's been working hard, but I work hard all day too! Why can't she just appreciate me? Always going to sleep at 8pm, telling me she had a rough day, or she has a headache. Doesn't she know that I need -- nay, that I DESERVE -- love and attention as well? Do I not have needs? Do I not have feelings? Am I not human?
Wait...don't answer that.
Well, friends...I just wanted to see if you miss her dry wit and sudden sweetness as much as I do. Her use of rhythm and meter to drive home a point, her understanding of metaphor and hyperbole to illustrate a thought....Her incredible talent that goes sadly unnoticed by the powers that be....
I wanted to let you know that you aren't alone...and that I will do everything in my considerable power to get her up and blogging again...
Until then,
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
Tell Andrea we miss her!
We do miss her ... although some of us have been noticeably absent as well these last few weeks! *wink*
I think she needs to chronicle her dreams.
beth - understandable. it's that time of year.
momma - your wish is my command...check out the new post!
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